November 14, 2016

#SAtrip2016 - Bengkulu!!

September 2016 I had trip to Bengkulu City, Bengkulu for attending my friends wedding. I went there by bus on Friday and arrived back in Padang on Monday morning. A short trip actually but it was fun, a very tight time to escape my self from the busy office hour :D... 

As it's located in the coast of Sumatera Island, this city has beautiful beach called Pantai Panjang (Long Beach), there is also a zoo but I didn't t go there.
Pantai Panjang, Bengkulu - Sept04 2016

Besides, in this city you can find several historical heritages, such as Ford Marlborogh - a ford wich is built by the British Colonization in Sumatera, a childhood home of Fatmawati Soekarno - the very first First Lady of the Republic of Indonesia, Tugu Pers Bengkulu, Exile Home for Ir. Soekarno while he was in the sequestration in the days of the struggle for Indonesian Independence, Thomas Pane Monument, and many others. Oh, you also will find taboot almost in all intersection here, since taboot (or it called tabuik in West Sumatera) is the landmark of the city.

Fort Marlborough, Bengkulu - Sept03 2016
Bengkulu Trip with rangers ladies :)
Inside the Ford Marlborogh
Home of Fatmawati Soekarno
Exile Home of  Bung Karno
Tugu Pers Bengkulu

Salam and see you again Bengkulu!!

**Photos are private documents

August 29, 2016

Can I improve my english after "comfortable office time"?

Years after graduation I think english languange is too much difficult now. I got into a time when I feel that my english is going down, even I can't string words up well. I am not confident to write "field" or "fiedl". Very embarrasing...

Are you feel the same?

Hmm, I just woke up right now :). Wish my english can be as good as when I was still in the student title or maybe more than that. Determined to be better, I'm trying to make this blog as one of my lesson tools. Hope you all will understand... Sorry for the bad grammar or anything else. Thank you!